Monday, 29 November 2010

Phew...*Cough, Cough* Im choking on dust here

So, Its been a while.....
I was snowed under with homework, finding no time to blog, sorry, I will try and kepp bloggin from now on ;)
Speaking of snow, Did you know, ITS SNOWING!!! Its So Exciting, as we NEVER get snow this early in the year!! But there has been some snowstorms in some places.... :/
So, What else to talk about.....? My homework pile was about a meter big...:/

OH! And I made a mini Newspaper! Ill Put up some pics in the next post!

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

OK....I Utterly HATE school....

OK, so Ive just started a new school, and after 4 days there(yes, we started on friday) I'm a bit tired. Im sitting in my mums office, drinking Dr Pepper.
I love the stuff, its like cherry coke only better. Its especially nice with a fan blowing in your face......Im also eating a twirl...very nice....OK, so at school ive decided to join a creative writing club...Im pretty shall see that when I find GUMMY BEARS! If any of you out there have a idea of where I can get some GoldBears, say NOW!
So at school today, I bought a bottle of cola for lunch. When I sat down and opened it and drank some, I almost choked, I hadnt read the label. It was 50% FRUIT! It was sparkling cola flavoured! It tasted like melon and normal coke...only worse...Good lesson to be learned from that, ALWAYS READ THE LABEL!!! I was also told that our planers werent ment for graffiti, just because Id done a little bit of I said, "yes, but Ive also written what you told us to write in that box." I dont think she expected that....XD
Oh, I also wore smiley earings. The amount of people that said, "I like your earings." or "Your smiley faces are upside down, twist them the right way." shocked me. they looked like this:

Only a little thicker. And smileyer...
Im glad you like the piccy Mayu!

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Present for Mayu.

OK, so I LOVE thsi blog: Its about Mayu's adventure's on Animal Crossing. So, I decided to make her a present:
Lol, sorry Mayu. Mikis head went worng. and I couldnt get it ant bigger. And Harus dressed like that because of the last post I saw her in...I hope you like it though!

I cant find ANY gunny bears! Im gonn ahve to buy a packet of Haribo....
Disney002 over and out!

Friday, 27 August 2010

Grrr...cant get any gummy bears yet...

So, I cant find any gummy bears. I will though. I WILL NOT GIVE UP! So instead, I had a idea. I need help. How can I make this blog better? How can I get more people to read it? I need your ideas. So, please comment, and tell what I can do to improve!!

On to better things! I go back to school next friday!! is that a better thing? Anyway, If you look in the RIGHT sidebar, Ive got a Chat box! So chat away!

SO, on to RANDOM things!!

Hmmmm....either he was rting to grow hair or be a cannon ball....either way...he/she looks quite cute, if funny! I love them cats, you know the ones with the captions? I could quite happily sit looking through pictures on google.......comment on this post and tell me what YOU think this cat was doing!
Disney002 Over and...OUT!
Ps, did you like the writing colours?

Monday, 23 August 2010

Im a gummy bear, yes Im a gummy bear, oh, I'm a moving, grooving, jammin', singing gummy bear...

Gotta love the gummy bears!
Hmm...I wonder what his skelliton would look like.....time to enter the lab! *Brings up google images, and types 'Gummy bear'* HA! I got a good picture! (NOTE: I really did find this image on google.) intresting........But that is rather cool........ *closes Google* OK, next time on Reely Random, I will get hold of some gummy bears! and...MAKE THEM FURNITURE OUT OF PAPER! I will post piccys.
Disney002 over and OUT!
Ps, click the eggs on the left sidebar please!!!!!

Friday, 20 August 2010

Theres no title for this. deal with it.

More to I made a account on deviantart: which is another reason I havent been updating. Also, I play iscribble, a thing that you can go on and draw with other people. Its pretty fun. And Ive been tring to do vids for youtube. And sitting on my foot so it goes all numb and deadish..... its not nice........

More Exiting things! Ok, so Ive joined Pokè Farm. The idea is to get as many eggs as possible to hatch...which is why in the right hand side bar theres a box with the title 'Please click the eggs!' and a piccy of a egg underneath....I will get more eggs....itll take time tho.....I think that rounds up this post!

There are no words for this. Breaking dawn Chp.16


PLease forgive me! Ive been chilling for 4 weeks of the summer hols. I tried drawing the other dont want to know the result! Ive got artists if I dont blog much, thats why.
disney002 over and out!
ps, I know it was a short post, just thought you should know Im ok!

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Glue, paper and ballons!

Yo! So our class is going to make cars(not big ones, little moving ones, but not diddy either! about 8 inches long...) and I'm gonna make it a bunny! so today I started paper Macheing! he's what it looks like so far!


(Side A)

(Side B)


So far, so good. I'm gonna do some more soon. has to be ready by Thursday!(should've started about a week ago!) So, yeh Catch 'ya Laterz! Disney002 Over and out!

Friday, 18 June 2010

wat the...?

Ok, so on my banner, I have a picture if this:
This is called a Kodama. It's from the film, Princess Monoke, who looks like this:

Princess Mononoke(San) Is the one being cuddled.(I did NOT make this film) The guy cuddling her(awwww...)Is called Ashitaka(If you want to read my review of this film and another, go to )And they Fall in love, blah, blah, blah.....ANYWAY! We were talking about these:

Kodamas. I showed this film to one of my friends. The next day we went outside. I played san(the wolf girl) and she played somthing(I cant remember what...)But she had pet Kodamas! So yeh, I'm going to schoo, now! I'll come home and give you a full report! Disney002 over and out!

Monday, 14 June 2010


Okay, so last night, I was playing Animal crossing, and guess what!

Thats right, A New Moon!I thought this was a sign, a sign that I should read New Moon(Twilight) again. Then last night I had a dream. A member of my family turned into a wolf while running by Bella Swan, who was carrying a silver Baseball bat! Is it me or is that wierd? I think its a sign. My friend said I do NOT need a dose of Twilight. So I bet her Ill be halfway through New Moon by tomorro. So I have some readin to do! Catch 'ya later!

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Yo! It's me, Im back!

Hi guys!

Its me! Disney002 from I started up this website to talk about anything and everything! (Im sorry that we havent updated Clubpenguin secrects and more, me and GG have been busy!) Ok, so today, I thought I'd talk about...

Ninja stars! Or more to the point, Ninjas! So these awesome little guys(or girls!) Run around in a black suit, with a mask on. They also carry a sword, and Ninja stars!!! I recently learned how to make a ninja star out of paper! Anyway, Ninjas....If you play clubpenguin(we havent posted much about this on Cp Secrects and more) You can become a ninja!This is great fun(even though you dont earn money. Meh.) ANYWAY, Ninjas, These little Dudes(and Dudettes) can turn INVISABLE!!! I would so love to be a ninja! That would be soooo COOL! I could be me by day and a Ninja by night! That would be SWEET!! Would you like to be a Ninja? comment and say, please! Disney002 over and out!