Friday 28 January 2011

DID YOU KNOW....................

That I made ICECREAM in science today?!
so, here are the ingredients AND the recipe
INGREDIATS! very important!
Vanilla essence
Amount depends on how much you want.
OH! and youll need some ICE and SALT.
AND to plastic ziplock bags. One smaller than the other!

1. Put the cream, milk, sugar and vanilla essence in the smaller of the 2 bags. Then seal.
2. Then, put the ice in the bigger bag, and add salt(keep the salt on hand, you'll
see why!)
3. Put the smaller bag inside the bigger one. Make SURE the small one is done up tightly. Then, do up the bigger bag.
4. Mush, and massage the bags. If the ice starts melting, add more salt, as this will freeze it and keep it cold.
5. after some hard work, you will have ICE CREAM!
WARNING! Sometimes It come out a bit wierd. It will take time. Mine came out
a bit mushy because we only had 10-15 mins :/ you wanna mix it for about 30 mins or more Im guessing.

Anyway, its tastes nice :)
Have fun!
More news from
my world of Random.
It is very cold.
Too cold.
So cold, that Im glad its the weekend tomorrow. Coz that means I will stay warm. And not freeze walking home.
Well, I may out up a random image. Just to top it off.....

Wanna own these... :(

Monday 17 January 2011 cats...

Ok, so, my brain went on strike this week.
Anyway, I have been researching lolcats whenever posable. On my phone, On the school computers(when Its in a good mood -.-') ect, and I have come to a conclusion.
A conclusion simalar to my last one.
Only better.
I have many favroutes.
I shall give some examples. The top one is epic.
I have it saved in my favroutes at school.
So yesh, I will update more often.

Saturday 8 January 2011

YAY! For the weekend...

BOO! for having to tidy my room. :/
I was looking at my hair this week, and realized it looked kinda emo. Which is pretty cool.
So now.
I style my hair.
Totally diffrently.
For example.
I leave the shorter layers loose and plait the longer layers and put my fringe over one eye.
It looks pretty cool me thinks.
And I put a pink streak in the front.
Yes, noones going to believe this.
Im beginning to like the colour
PINK again..... :/
I loved it until I was 7, then I hated it, and Im beginning to love it again.
Shock horror.....
I need to write on one line.
So, I haope ya'll had a good chrimbo. I certianly did.
And a I good new year.
And from now on, I will try and update AT LEAST once a week.
Sorry for any confusion.